Awakening to the Greater Reality

I developed this course in response to clients who were seeking to remember their Divine nature and live more fully aligned to it. The Path of the Mystic series is for those interested in practical spirituality, in other words, in living, relating, and making decisions guided by the awareness of truth.
We don’t have to transcend our mundane lives, retreat to a mountain top cave, or leave our body and die in order to reach heaven or the Divine. In every moment, every breath, every mundane task, every human interaction we can realize and know the Divine.
In this series, we will endeavor to integrate awareness of our essential self with our human lives, to open to the Divine reality while remaining grounded and present in the human experience. We will learn to trust our intuition, our inner knowing. We will engage in direct communication with Spirit, which exists within us and all around us. We will open to an experience of our wholeness. We will seek communion with ultimate reality.
The format of the course may include presentation, meditation, contemplation and writing, small and large group sharing. Our intention is to build community within which to explore edgy and potentially life-changing topics. There are optional assignments between classes, which may involve reading a chapter each week by various authors, meditating on the principles and ideas presented, specifically on how they apply to your life, and writing down your reflections.
Eight-week Series
with Deborah Wilson
Assisted by Kathy Walters
February 24 to April 14, 2021
Wednesdays 6:30 – 9 PM
On Zoom
$198 for Series
Fee includes an hour private session with Deborah
Register by Feb 17, bring a friend for 1/2 price
Don’t let finances be an issue, contact us for payment arrangements
(Pay by PayPal at bottom of page)
Once registered, we’ll send you a Zoom link
List of Classes:
- Awaken to and live within the greater reality
[Discover the reality that lies beyond the physical and that is perceived neither by the senses nor the logical mind.] - Realize spiritual truth that surpasses the intellect
[Deconstruct established belief systems and undo identification with the ego.] - Remember your essential nature
[Live fully aligned to your nature, which is Divine.] - Integrate awareness of your Divine self with your human life
[Recognize the Divine in every moment, breath, household task, and in every human interaction.] - Understand your purpose and role in the world
[Live, relate, and make decisions according to spiritual truths] - Explore the meaning of life and death
[Contemplate the eternal nature of life and existence beyond the body’s death] - Engage in direct communication with the Divine
[Access guidance from the Divine that exists within you and all around you.] - Open to direct communion with ultimate reality
[Facilitate a direct experience of your wholeness.]
"The worst thing we ever did was put God in the sky out of reachIt also improves sensation viagra prices in the genitals. pulling the divinity from the leaf, sifting out the holy from our bones, insisting God isn’t bursting dazzlement through everything we’ve made a hard commitment to see as ordinary, stripping the sacred from everywhere to put in a cloud man elsewhere, prying closeness from your heart. The worst thing we ever did was take the dance and the song out of prayer made it sit up straight and cross its legs removed it of rejoicing wiped clean its hip sway, its questions, its ecstatic yowl, its tears. The worst thing we ever did is pretend God isn’t the easiest thing in this Universe available to every soul in every breath" -- Chelan Harkin From her poetry book Susceptible to Light