Path of the Mystic Series

Photo by Artem Sapegin on Unsplash

Every new beginning starts with seeing the world with fresh eyes, through an internal shift. In this 8-week series we’ll explore the inner dynamics of new beginnings by looking at A Course in Miracles, Buddhist, and Vedic teachings. When we learn and apply the teachings of internal change we can truly open to a new beginning where it seems we have created a new world aligned with peace, joy, and creativity.

The format of the course may include presentation, meditation, contemplation and writing, and small and large group sharing. Our intention is to build community within which to explore edgy and potentially life-changing topics. There are assignments between classes, which are optional and include reading a chapter by various authors, meditating and contemplating on principles and ideas presented, writing on your reflections, and applying what you’re learning to your day-to-day life.

For those who participated in the first Path of the Mystic Series, this course will take us deeper. Where in the first series we focused on exploring the mind using meditation, reflection, and writing, this new course emphasizes training the mind. We will do this by putting the principles and tools we’ve been learning into practice in our daily lives to create real and lasting change, to experience a new beginning.

Eight-Week Series
with Deborah Wilson
Assisted by Meghan McAuliffe
May 19 – July 7, 2021
Wednesdays 6:30 – 9PM (possibly 7 – 9:30PM)
Live on Zoom
$243 for Series

Weekly Topics:

1. Recognizing Your Wholeness
To open to a new beginning we first have to recognize our wholeness and learn how to come back to this place of love within us.
2. Destroying the World
By deconstructing our current misperceptions, limiting beliefs, ideologies and attachments we make space to see and experience the world from a more aligned perspective.
3. Understanding Projection
Projection holds us back from living an aligned life and experiencing love. By understanding the process of projection we can begin to untangle ourselves what blocks us from our true nature.
4. Undoing body identification 
Learn the importance of identifying with more than just the body. When we believe we are just a physical body, we shut down the possibility of who we truly are. 
5. Investigating your mind
You are a scientist of consciousness! Become an investigator of reality through exploration of your own mind and consciousness.
6. Realizing your power to choose
Once we become adept at working with our minds, it becomes clear how in each moment we have the power of choice to create our reality. When we harness this power, it can become like we are simply choosing a different world, a different experience of life.
7. Engaging, expanding, and making a contribution
When we engage with the world we begin to gain more momentum in shifting our own minds and anchoring that shift as we serve the world and expand beyond our limited ideas about ourselves.
8. Following your intuition
Part of every new beginning is listening to and following the guidance of truth and wisdom, rather than the ego. Learn how to tune into the guide of intuition and open to a different experience of reality.

An ant hurries along a threshing floor with its wheat grain,
moving between huge stacks

of wheat, not knowing the abundance all around.  It thinks its
one grain is all there is to

love.  So we choose a tiny seed to be devoted to.  This body,
one path or one teacher.  Look

wider and farther.  The essence of every human being can see,
and what that essence-eye takes

in, the being becomes.  Saturn.  Solomon!  The ocean pours
through a jar, and you might say it

swims inside the fish!  This mystery gives peace to your
longing and makes the road home home.
Medical science and great endeavors of viagra without prescription scientists has put a light on the relationship between the autonomic neuropathy and erectile dysfunction (ED).
by Rumi, Trans. by Coleman Barks

Deborah, founder of Wholeness Energetics, has taught thousands of laypeople and professionals worldwide how to work with the body’s energy systems. She is dedicated to empowering people to heal themselves and others, restore their wholeness, and transform their reality. In an engaging, down-to-earth, approachable manner, Deborah shares her knowledge and 34 years’ experience in the fields of energy medicine and consciousness. She specializes in working with people who have health challenges that have not resolved through traditional methods, and with people who want healthy harmonious relationships. Currently, Deborah teaches classes, workshops, and training programs and sees clients from around the world.

Meghan is a yoga teacher and contemplative educator whose teaching is inspired by the intelligence of living systems as studied through yoga, buddhism, and the applied systems thinking modalities of permaculture and deep ecology. Since studying permaculture and environmental sustainability, Meghan has been particularly interested in how consciousness and the way we think influences the way we live, act, and design for a world that is ecological and just. She integrates embodied contemplative modalities into the framework of ecological design as a way to grow our ecological thinking minds. Meghan offers one-on-one sessions based in guided inquiry and methodologies rooted in yogic and Buddhist psychology, somatics (especially Body-Mind-Centering) and modern energy medicine. Visit her website here.

Photo by Hansjörg Keller on Unsplash
Register by making a payment through PayPal below, or by mailing your check to:
Deborah Wilson, 65 Beech Street, Greenfield, MA 01301.